Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Future of Voluntary Active Euthanasia †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Future of Voluntary Active Euthanasia. Answer: Introduction The research aims to measure the responses of the legal experts, medical experts and parents, which forms an integral part of the society in determining the parental right to kill a minor patient. Terminally ill children are a burden for the parents as well it involves a huge cost to sustain the life of a terminally ill children. The whole monetary expenses fall on the shoulders of the parents which is an expensive task. The feelings of a parent that sign the consent form to kill their terminally ill child is beyond the understanding of society. The sense of grief, loss and the depression that the parents experience is beyond anybodys understanding. Research analysis This research argues on the parental right to kill a minor patient. According to Kaczor (2016), just like minors are not let to vote, buy alcohol or cigarettes, the same way minors should not be given the right to make the serious decisions of whether to live or die. Because minors do not have the capability to judge situations, the parents too should not be given the right to kill a minor patient because the state of mind of an aggrieved parent deteriorates after going through such traumatized condition (Bovens, 2015). Medical experts say that sometimes they have seen that the neighborhood people and the other relatives of the minor often pressurize the parents to go for the euthanasia. The reasons they cite include the financial problems that can occur later and the emotional suffering that can come along with the suffering of their child. Hence, there is big probability that parents might get influenced by such pressurizations. There might be instances where parents will be unwill ing to carry the expenses of treating their ailing child and thus might ask to euthanize their own kid. Such a conduct cannot be approved legally, because according to the legal experts it is an illegal affair. Providing the right to kill a minor patient might become arbitrary and parents might misuse the right for their own good and benefit (Caputo, 2015). According to some medical experts providing the right to kill a minor patient to the parents have serious implications. There are instances where, the minors want to live their life even if they having the terminal illness, while empowering the parents with the right to kill their child and the parents argument that they cannot sustain the medical cost can be detrimental and fatal for the minor patient (Donkin, 2017). Conclusion Therefore, from the above research it can be concluded that empowering the parents to kill a minor patient is not a good decision and has serious implications on the health and mental state of the minor patient. The legal and medical responses also argue against providing the rights to the parents to kill minor patient. Although the burden of carrying a child who is terminally ill, and sustaining that child financially is an uphill task. There are other emotional and psychological implications that are associated with the right to kill a minor patient which also needs to be addressed. References Bovens, L. (2015). Child euthanasia: should we just not talk about it?.Journal of medical ethics,41(8), 630-634. Caputo, A. (2015). Trends of psychology-related research on euthanasia: a qualitative software-based thematic analysis of journal abstracts.Psychology, health medicine,20(7), 858-869. Donkin, A. (2017). Human dignity and the future of the voluntary active euthanasia debate in South Africa.SAMJ: South African Medical Journal,107(8), 647-647. Kaczor, C. (2016). Against euthanasia for children: a response to Bovens.Journal of medical ethics,42(1), 57-58.

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