Friday, December 27, 2019

Ray Bradbury s Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep

Science fiction and graphic novels both possess special niches in literature. Writers like H.G. Wells, Ray Bradbury, Douglas Adams, and Phillip K. Dick progressed the genre to reach a broader audience through increasing exposure in society. Today, writers like Orson Scott Card continue to popularize science fiction through both published works and online stories. The new medium presented by the increased accessibility of the internet allows for the genre to grow, allowing recognized authors and aspiring authors to share their stories in an easier manner. Moreover, the newer wave of graphic novels such as Maus and Fun Home break through the barrier of popularized text with recognized literary merit due to the ability to engage readers by adding deeper meaning and employing literary devices. A highly regarded Science Fiction novelist should reimagine the text with a dignified Science Fiction illustrator in order to recreate Phillip K. Dick’s novella Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? as a graphic novel, creating a new experience in the novel and facilitating in bridging the gap between science fiction and graphic novels. Prospective Adapter The adapter for this project must currently write in the science fiction field with copious experience and high standing within the genre. Orson Scott Card’s achievements as the author of the widely popular novel, Ender’s Game, numerous other Science Fiction novels, and other works such as contemporary fantasy novels and biblical novelsShow MoreRelated The Changing Role of Science Fiction Essay2351 Words   |  10 Pagescouldnt afford to buy books (Del Rey 43,44).    It was also during this time that most of SFs stereotypes were created. One could easily see, plastered to the front of every SF pulp magazine on the rack, the hero, with bulging muscles and a ray gun, bravely defending and/or rescuing the scantily-clad heroine from a BEM, or bug-eyed monster. Even today, with such a marvelous plethora of SF stories, these stereotypes exist, especially in the minds of those who push science fiction aside

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

All Men Are Created Equal - 1014 Words

In the United States Declaration of Independence, the phrase, â€Å"All men are created equal† is a phrase people refer to, when dealing with equality in America. A feature through the different selections in American Dreams is equality because America is a place where everyone has the same opportunity to achieve anything. Equality and opportunity given to people has evolved since the founding fathers, but there’s been stages in America’s history where equality is only given to specific people, not everyone. Equality and opportunity are elements in involved in the song, â€Å"This Land is Your Land,† by Woody Guthrie. Everyone who is born in America has an equal opportunity to do anything in mind. Woody Guthrie writes, â€Å"As I was walking that ribbon of highway I saw above me that endless skyway, I saw below me that golden valleys: This land for you and me† (Guthrie 54). In other words, Guthrie said it does not matter what a person’s situa tion may be. Whether a person is poor or wealthy the opportunity for them to be successful is there for the taking. Despite a person’s background, he or she has the opportunity to have any career or lifestyle he or she wants. Being born to Mexican parents who do not have any education and work in labor jobs does not prohibit me from trying to achieve my dreams. The equality given to Americans is the same, whether a child is born to famous celebrity or to a poor person and should have no effect on his or her equality with others. If a celebrityShow MoreRelatedAll Men Are Created Equal1313 Words   |  6 Pagesthe principal of â€Å"all men are created equal†, would discriminate against women. In today’s society, the traditional roles, values, and thoughts placed upon women from prehistoric times still play a central part in the inequality women face every day. The day I no longer have to worry about what I’m wearing will label me as a â€Å"slut,† is the day that women will be thought of as more than just sexual objects. The day I can be praised for my brains instead of my beauty, it the day men and women willRead MoreAll Men Are Created Equal1103 Words   |  5 Pagesis known for its diversity and claims of equality. â€Å"All men are created equal† is a phrase that is associated as an American ideology, though it is not a reality. Not everyone in our country is considered equal, mainly because of the barriers constantly constructed by those who believe to be superior to others. It is no secret that the controversial issue of race continues to strain our country as we pursue to achieve ultimate tolerance for all. To combat inequalities, we must identify the obstaclesRead More All Men Created Equal Essay1091 Words   |  5 Pages All Men Created Equal America has undergone incredible hardships as a nation. No issue has had more impact on the development of the American definition of freedom than the issue of slavery. Did the Constitution specify which men were created equal? Surprisingly enough the phrase quot;all men are created equal with certain inalienable rightsquot; did not mean what it does today. The nation was divided on the issue of slavery and the rights of the black man in its early stages as a growing republicRead MoreAll Men Are Not Created Equal Essay1161 Words   |  5 PagesAll Men are Not Created Equal Since the beginnings of our nation’s it has been implied that all people should be viewed as equals but the question is, are all people seen as equal? Our founding fathers wrote that all men were all one of the same. Everyone is familiar with Thomas Jeffersons famous quote, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.† The passage claims that we are all equal but where is the proof that we are? It was stated in the Declaration of RightsRead MoreAre All Men `` Really Created Equal?1380 Words   |  6 Pages Are all â€Å"men† really created equal? Fitzgerald has men perceive women in an objective way in his novel The Great Gatsby and uses this to show the false reality of the American dream and how it plays on the idea that in America â€Å"all men are equal†. During the 1920’s huge changes were made concerning the roles of women, like getting the the right to vote in 1922, feminist movements, Throughout history women have been negatively objectified and Fitzgerald paints a picture of that using his own valuesRead MoreW. E. Duboiss Niagara Movement1193 Words   |  5 Pagesshould become equal on a social, economical and political level, through the use of emotional diction, reasonable ideas and a dominant tone. DuBois is able to create guilt and shame through his fierce diction regarding â€Å"true Americans.† The feeling of guilt when describing America is essential for the call to action regarding the white bystanders that DuBois is attempting to reach near the beginning of his speech. By saying, â€Å"The battle we wage is not for ourselves alone but for all true AmericansRead MoreEssay on Civil Liberties692 Words   |  3 PagesLife, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all of which are our God given rights as stated in the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. Liberty is my main focus for this essay. Liberty as defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as the condition of being free from restriction or control, and the right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of ones own choosing. As Americans we have never quite been truly liberated. The government has always had someRead Moreâ€Å"One Friday Morning† by Langston Hughes 834 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"One Friday Morning† by Langston Hughes Racism and discrimination in general are things that are sadly practically inevitable. It is very unlikely that you ever will be able to find a society with no discrimination at all. Langston Hughes, who is an African-American writer, shows this in his short story â€Å"One Friday Morning†. Langston Hughes sheds light upon things like: The American Dream, equality and The Declaration of Independence. The story is written in the 1950’s which is at the same timeRead MoreAll Men Are Created Equal - Summary Essay1109 Words   |  5 PagesDante’ Lipscomb Professor Hinds English 1113 December 7, 2010 â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal†. This is a precedent that was established centuries ago to tell the people of its time that there is no man lesser than another. It was set and meant to last for a very long time. Thomas Jefferson was the one who made the phrase famous, but it was his great friend Philip Mazzei who first used the saying through a letter written to Jefferson called â€Å"JointRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence, All Men Are Created Equal1442 Words   |  6 PagesThe Declaration of Independence states â€Å"all men are created equal.† However, that concept does not contribute to Fredrick Douglass and Red Jacket, who represent two different cultures with a similar dilemma. Both argue the hypocrisy of the document, that only applies to a certain population of the United States of America. In addition, Douglass and Red Jacket are defending their beliefs among the injustices that they have came across with the â€Å"whites†. Even though Red Jacket is speaking up among

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Understanding Post Colonial Hybridization and Syncretization free essay sample

My paper was on Understanding Post-Colonial Hybridization and Syncretization in Literature and that not only do we need to understand the meanings of these words but we also need to understand the authors background and how these terms give feeling and emotion on the subject matter they are writing about. Did the author grow up on the colonizers side or the colonized? This impacts the way he/she views both sides and their surroundings. I also talk about the meaning of diaspora and orientalism and how it is critical for a reader to understand the possible impact of these words before attempting to get a true understanding of post-colonial literature. I also talk about the distinct groups that are many times seen within a novel; the colonizers, the colonized that have been educated away from their community, the colonized that have tried to adapt by force or choice while remaining in their homelands and closer to their native community, and the indigenous who have mostly escaped hybridization because of remote locations. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Post Colonial Hybridization and Syncretization or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We also have to understand that hybridization takes many forms that might include religion and gender oppression and that many ways of acclimating to an environment because of the impact of a new ruling country can therefore fall under the word hybridity. As long as a reader fully understands terms and the different viewpoints of hybridity, syncretization, diaspora and orientalism, along with the background of the authors and their point of view, they will be able to get a fully developed understanding of post-colonial literature.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Performing Rights Society free essay sample

The PROS or performing rights society Is a royalty collection society that was formed In 1914, as the organization was formed in 1997. As this had then begun to bring together two collections societies; the mechanical copy rights society, which I will go in to more later and performing rights society. When registered with the PROS, this allows a songwriter, composer or publisher to begin earning money through out it. The example of this is if there music is used on radio station, TV or even advert, also any business using music, all PROS may buy a license that gives them the permission o play or use members music.Therefore this means the music used Is then reported to PROS for music logs, also live sets lists from festivals and gigs and so on. This is then used to match up to what they have a record, and this helps to work out how much money Was to which writer. We will write a custom essay sample on Performing Rights Society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In every country this is used also, so this means they have representation deals set in places, as music abroad they do a similar Job, making sure the money gets paid to the PROS, so they can pay there members. This also happens In French, German, and American etc. PROS Is a non- profit; making organization.When paying and operating costs are deducted, the rest of the money is given to the copy- rights holders. The owners of the copy-rights in the recording itself are saved by an unrelated organization, for example, a cover version of a song is played on radio 1. The PROS collects a fee on behalf of the writer and publisher. Mechanical copyright protection society -? The mechanical copyright protection society or AMPS, exists to make sure that when music Cads are pressed, that the writer of the works featured on the CD and paid a royalty from the CD. Therefore most music publishers in the UK register all their work tit AMPS.AMPS is also now put under the PROS. Which for both the performing rights society and mechanical copyright protection society are still separate entitles, with the AMPS. If you wanted to sell a CD features music written by music composers, you would need to get a license from AMPS, and by doing this they will calculate what the royalties should be. This will depend on the sale price of the disk, the quantity of the disk being manufactured and the percentage of music on the CD that is written by the writers who have registered their work with the AMPS.Then they will issue you tit an Invoice which, once paid, allows the purchaser of the license the right to press Cads featuring original recordings owned by other record companies and you should approach them direct for licensing information, also AMPS have now joined with PROS, which licenses the performing right of writers work to venues and broadcasters and al so if you wish to produce a CD of music for a musical, this gives you the contact of publishers of the work directs.Musicians union repeated around the world which represents of over 30,000 musicians working all sectors of the music business and world. As well as standing on behalf of musicians Ninth all the major employs and industry, the MI-J offers a range of services for the self- employed by providing assistance for professional and student musicians of all ages, their have full time officials available to immediately tacked the issues raised by musicians working in the live arena, the recording studio, also writing and composing.MUM members, regardless of their genre of music, are paid of an of the heading music industry in Europe. There are different was the MI-J helps the musicians are careers and business advice, legal assistance, contact advice, rights protection, industry lists and leaflets and more.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Idea of Critical Thinking

Idea of Critical Thinking The world is paining through a troublesome era. While a few are stubbornly fighting against the nearly intangible enemy that is terrorism, others are suffering. The question is whom should we trust, and who is doing the right thing? What about George W. Bush and his greedy friends? To be well-informed and capable of holding our own opinion in the middle of all this mischief comes down to one essential quality: critical thinking.Sometimes, we receive faulty or biased information. Thus, there needs to be a filter in our thinking that stops this bad information from affecting our judgment towards a manipulated opinion. To me, that filter is the essence of critical thinking. With the help of the knowledge and understanding of fallacies, someone is well-armed to overcome prejudice, illogic deductions and biased information. Critical thinking is to seek all the viewpoints of a given problem before coming to a conclusion.English: There are no symbols that represent skept...It is to require the original sources before assuming the truth of a statement or fact. Also, it consists of separating our immediate feelings from our thinking, in a way that will keep our reasoning to pure logic. Take for example the news media. In TV shows like 'Cops' and most crime news coverage, it has been proven that Africans Americans are seen as outlaws far more often than any other ethnicity. From seeing a majority of criminals being African American on television, people with weak critical thinking may falsely deduct that all of them are evil. The reasoning goes as follows: criminals are evil and most African Americans are criminals, so most African Americans are evil. A person with stronger critical thinking will be able to see the big picture, thus being conscious that not all criminals are Africans Americans and not all African Americans are criminals.In another perspective, creative thinking is an essential quality for good argumentation. It defines whether a statement is logical or i llogical. Sometimes, people tend to use easy arguments, which are nearly impossible to respond to, but that are not funded and illogical. Someone armed with a good sense of critical thinking will be able to use those statements as an asset. Take the example of the exploitation of the poor due to world trade. Someone with weak critical thinking may say: corporations exploit the poor countries and world trade is ruled by corporations, so world trade exploits the poor countries. An opponent with strong critical thinking may simply break the first premise by saying that some corporations exploit the poor countries while others are very human and offer great opportunities to workers from all over the world. Making a deduction from this would mean that world trade offers great opportunities, but once again this is an incomplete fallacy, since some corporations do exploit the poor countries.Finally, I think that being a critical thinker has a sense of self-discipline. People who think in a critical way seek the truth and expect more from themselves, so in my opinion they are the ones who tend to reach higher. Choosing the easy way just because it has no immediate consequences shows no critical thinking at all. On the other hand, to challenge ourselves constantly and be true to our goals is the best way to become a critical thinker. Critical thinking is more than knowing about fallacies; it's a philosophy and an attitude.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Persuasive Eassy †Marijuana Debate

Persuasive Eassy – Marijuana Debate Free Online Research Papers In Virginia, there is controversial debate over the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The advantages for some people using marijuana for medical reasons are, it eases their pain, and relaxes them so they can enjoy their lives. For some terminally ill patients the marijuana also makes them happier and more enjoyable to be around. The disadvantage is that after smoking it for an extended period the majority of the patients could develop lung cancer, but is not so bad considering that the patients are already terminally ill. My standpoint on this subject is that it is a good idea for marijuana to be used as a medical drug for the treatment in terminal illnesses. Of all the reformations that should be made, the legalization of marijuana is perhaps the most necessary. One of the most important reasons for legalizing marijuana is the benefit to the medical community (National Academy Press). It has been proven that marijuana can greatly reduce some of the effects of cancer. In addition, marijuana has prolonged the lives of people who were diagnosed as terminally ill. Many people also rely on the drug to ease their pain and suffering (National Academy Press). Another important benefit of marijuana is its usefulness in reducing nausea in chemotherapy patients. Marijuana helps patients more than any other prescribed drug currently available. Nearly half of the doctors who were asked said they have suggested using marijuana, or would prescribe it if it were legal. As more and more research comes in about marijuana, people are starting to realize that it can help patients with other medical problems (National Academy Press). Medical marijuana has been used for years. It has been found as far back as 1,600 years ago. Marijuana was used for many different reasons. For patients in chemotherapy marijuana has been used to give them their appetites back and reduce the nausea (Cannabis). People with severe headaches may also be prescribed marijuana. Marijuana can be used on patients with sleeping or eating disorders too. Yet, in most states it is illegal to even prescribe marijuana. Yet in 1988 our own DEA’s administrative Judge Frances Young said, â€Å"Marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man†. He also said â€Å"marijuana in its natural form is far safer than many foods we commonly consume† (National Academy Press). Tobacco has no medical uses at all. Some say tobacco relieves stress and helps reduce the appetite. Other than that, tobacco has no use of any kind at all. About 50 percent of incoming college, freshmen have admitted to using marijuana. And about 40 percent of them smoke it on a regular basis (National Academy Press). The question is why is marijuana illegal and tobacco legal? Marijuana has been known as a â€Å"gateway drug†, meaning it leads to use of other harder drugs (National Academy Press). This is not true. It truly depends on the person whether they are going to do other drugs. People who smoke marijuana do not have a higher chance of getting addicted or even trying cocaine or heroin than non-users. Many negative facts have been told of marijuana, mostly by the tobacco industry, which are false (National Academy Press). Why is the tobacco industry so concerned with marijuana and its negative effects? It is because the tobacco industry is trying to take some of the attention off their product and point the finger at marijuana. Marijuana is healthier, safer, and has more medical use than tobacco does (Internet Mental Healt h). Most illegal drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, are mixed with many different chemicals, but not marijuana. Marijuana is grown from the ground. No chemicals are added during or after the growing process, just sunlight and water is needed for the plant to grow. Once the plant reaches its peak, it is taken down and hung up to dry for a long period. After that, it is ready to be enjoyed and smoked by its users. But in tobacco they mix in many unneeded harmful chemicals. One of these chemicals is nicotine, which is highly addictive (Internet Mental Health). This is the chemical that keeps the tobacco smokers coming back for more, and more, which keeps the tobacco companies happy and well paid. You may ask why is this chemical in tobacco. The reason is just so tobacco users cannot quit smoking when they try, but are stuck smoking until they die (Internet Mental Health). Today millions of young kids, teens, and adults are addicted physically to tobacco and yet it is impossible to become physically addicted to marijuana. Physical addiction is where the body thinks it needs the nicotine to survive, so when you just stop the body is not used to not having it in your system and withdrawal symptoms may occur. When one tries to stop the use of tobacco products withdrawal symptoms may occur including rapid pulse, increased hand tremor, insomnia, nausea, physical agitations, anxiety, illusions, and seizures (Internet Mental Health). These symptoms may occur for months after stopping the use of tobacco. Also, tobacco leaves radioactive materials in your lungs, which over time is what causes cancer (Cannabis). No radioactive materials are present in marijuana smoke. The tar in marijuana smoke only contains 33% less tar as tobacco (Cannabis). Also, when marijuana is smoked, it breaks down other tars in your lungs, including other marijuana and tobacco tars. Tob acco makes the lungs air passages smaller and can cause them to constrict, unlike marijuana. Continuous tobacco use causes the air passageways to eventually close up making it impossible to breath. And in the end tobacco kill you. Another negative effect of nicotine is that it causes negative effects on the heart and circulatory systems. What the nicotine does is causes the veins and arteries in your body to constrict (Cannabis). This may lead to a stroke or heart attack. Tobacco use causes the body many problems. There has never been an overdose of marijuana. To overdose on marijuana you would have to smoke over a pound in an hour of high quality marijuana. That is physically impossible. This is true because the active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). â€Å"THC is one of the few chemicals for which there is no known toxic amount† (Cannabis), meaning content of THC in marijuana is not high enough to cause death. Tobacco, on the other hand, can kill a person by an overdose. People have managed to overdose by using dermal patches and smoking tobacco at the same time (Cannabis). Nicotine is a dangerous drug and should not be used at all. Many people think that marijuana makes you less intelligent. The largest study of cannabis to date showed that they are wrong. It was proven that heavy long-term users scored slightly higher on IQ tests, had a lower illness rate, lower chance of developing cancer, and an increased life span compared to non-users (Why Marijuana over Tobacco?†). So smoking some marijuana before a test actually will increase your ability to think. In fact, it said the cannabis smokers have been known to outlive non-smokers by up to 2 years (Why Marijuana over Tobacco?†). We have all heard that smoking cannabis causes cancer. Not only is this a lie but also users of marijuana have lower rates of producing lung cancer then non-users. â€Å"Not one case of lung cancer has ever been successfully linked to marijuana use† (Why Marijuana over Tobacco?†). In 1975 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia found that cannabis can help fight against benign and malignant cancers. This proves that marijuana does not cause cancer, but it could prevent or even cure it. What about tobacco though? Tobacco does cause lung cancer. Tobacco leaves tar in the lungs that are radioactive. These radioactive materials morph over time into very harmful materials that causes cancer to be produced (Why Marijuana over Tobacco?†). Cannabis is the number one used illegal drug. If it is not addictive then why do people who try it come back? This is because it is safer than all the other drugs. Cannabis has been used all over the world for many reasons. The Indians smoked it at ceremonies to relax and have a good time. Where legal, doctors prescribe it to their patients for a number of different reasons. Some famous artists and musicians use marijuana on a regular basis to enhance their creativity. Others just use it because they like to relax and have fun (Virginia Laws on Cannabis). Nothing is wrong with smoking marijuana for any reason at all, but using tobacco is just suicide. What you have been told in the past may contradict the facts about marijuana. Smoking tobacco makes no sense and needs to be stopped. So, do not just stand there in the tobacco smoke filled room and get out and smoke some marijuana. Research Papers on Persuasive Eassy - Marijuana DebateUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)The Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseThe Fifth HorsemanThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationGenetic EngineeringCapital PunishmentNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceTwilight of the UAWHip-Hop is Art

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fair trade provides no significant benefits. To what extent do you Essay - 3

Fair trade provides no significant benefits. To what extent do you agree - Essay Example mplishments, the structure by which Fair Trade aspires to attain its objectives is severely weak, restricting its market opportunities and the value it gives to workers and farmers. As such, some claim that fair trade provides no significant benefits. This essay argues that Fair Trade does suffer from internal and external problems, but that does not mean that it provides no significant benefits. There is a wide array of criticisms about whether Fair Trade accomplishes its objectives of raising living standards for the most underprivileged producers and other players in global trade. Basically, there is a major problem at the core of the present development and achievement of Fair Trade (Cole & Brown, 2014). So as to achieve dominant presence and significantly influence the market, Fair Trade advocates have to collaborate with major corporate players. These corporate traders usually pursue clearly different objectives and usually reluctant or unable to totally commit themselves to Fair Trade principles (Smith, 2013). For instance, Starbucks’s dedication to Fair Trade principles has been criticised. A small percentage of Starbucks coffee was fairly traded in 2007, but its brand image or corporate reputation became known as socially responsible immediately after declaring its involvement in the Fair Trade system (Cole & Brown, 2014). Since Starbucks is the biggest global coffee retailer, it is in charge of buying larger volumes of Fair Trade coffee than any other vendor. Nevertheless, a meagre portion of its overall coffee is Fair Trade. The Fairtrade Labelling Organisation (FLO), tasked to give Fair Trade authorisation, was also criticised for not obliging major multinational companies (MNCs) to pursue or maintain higher ideals before granting them certification (Cole & Brown, 2014). Simply put, the increasing incorporation of the Fair Trade stamp without completely implemented Fair Trade ideals undermines the general objectives of Fair Trade principles and